Monday, December 23, 2013

Compassion: Stay Give Peace A Way.

Compassion your style of concern to learn listen love feel realize passion cuts deep laser beam straight through a soul allowing one heart to fall in love with the nature of this <@> universe & you too. Start in ones heart core ignite us unite us in passion as one peaceful people in a land heavy mineral rich with pure unassuming unadulterated hands down open palms grace ground 0 six packing power potential limitless high tech interaction possibility probably innovative passion conceived passion believed passion achieved. Stay-light-hearted with compassion power passion in fashion. Be creative artistic forgiving people one calls that fashion high tech interaction with mutual appreciation. With an up-most respect to upgrade that respectful service namaste. One meets anywhere anytime anyplace of day or night. <@> A light bleeds in seedy dark twisted alleys side streets neighborhoods known to be frequented by people with hoods artists of humility. As if one set is set mysteriously apart from another set. It is a bling thing? One divinely interconnected consciousness divines hearts that shine brighter than any diamond together within one diverse peace of mind. Peace. Is here now. Enhanced empowering peace is adventurous it takes getting ones hands wet dirty. Blood pumps at edges of comfy zones with peace know price tag too big. High maintenance stay focused on priorities proprieties prefer love precedence upgrade addictions to preferences. Crave healthy bodies affirming life grows in fashion no matter what radioactive reaction save surrender with abandon to that higher value of understanding grace. Know love is...ever as lost as it is now through passion fond of found within universal peace. Begin. Passion fire makes amends. Manifest attraction if one must move dust around it is beneficial to trust & aspire higher will prevail picture a beautiful paradigm with a view sunrise sunset to die & mystically magically literally be alive in love with all without hurt harm or quality of life given opportunity to be better mentally balanced with collaborating principles of mutual understanding & acceptance of each others proclivities & volitions. Sacred free respectful of other souls essence of presence & powerfully profound interconnections. Bold proud pride moves emotions empower passion embrace passion peace compassion consciousness compassion. Peace consciousness divines hearts do shine brighter than any diamond together within one diverse peace of mind. Start one heart core compassion stay alive give peace away. Give peace a way. Namaste*

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Dear peers compassion in action friends,
The word conspiracy (con + spire) actually means to breathe together. The poetic essay below is an inspiring reminder that we are being deliciously enveloped by a growing spiritual conspiracy. Increasing numbers around the globe are breathing together. As old structures crumble around us, we are conspiring to breathe new life and a new way of living into our world. We know that no matter how crazy things may look on the surface, the universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings. Enjoy the rich flow of conscious conspiracy as you breathe in the soul-touching words below.
Breathing this spiritual conspiracy together with you,
Fred Burks for PEERS and


[kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
the act of conspiring.
an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.
Passion peers post their heart virtues; compassion in action is a poet's prerogative pass it on. There is no conspiracy as we are all of one body & no conspiracy exists in reality can will or must save in fear based philosophies myths visions of an end please. Separation starts in words separating us from our lost lonely need want filled delusionary illusion filled with fantasy judgment compelled empirical linear programmed conditioned me my mine I minds. Universal Souls in the know seek hearts augmenting passion's core resonation with higher more inclusive vibrations of mere; love's perpetual=perpetuation enhancing romancing desire way beyond higher consciousness already enlightened from a core ignited black whole deep sapphire star garnet blue bursting in all directions simultaneously expanding everlasting fires from within eternal interconnected rainbow light hearted souls attracting compassion in action.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Morning sun rain dew drops on clocks close to six am in the desert a crisp cold slow hand takes hold of ground zero presence warming mom's birthday Sunday October 13th.
 Dawn preps seeds of time to grow new thoughts of growth in mind. Cultivating a plowing presence behind love infused with passion in action. Perpetuating a persevering integrity tenaciously tying root-ball connections together with all one sees within to reach comfort zones out of range without confinements.
One connects to elegant experiences of beauty art nature humanities compassion along with hearts resonating actions manifesting branches sharing blooming flowers eclectic electric like color beautiful deep holographically vibrant life.
Butterflies fly to feed off the blood of change in new carcasses of fallen species. In the mourning hum of passing creatures dropping dew an empowering enhancement energizes a brighter more illuminating light to give higher flight to wings surveying the night`s perspective.